7 Habits of People with Beautiful Skin
#1 They Have Sufficient Sleep Unless you have a team of makeup artists waiting in your bathroom every morning, it’s hard to look gorgeous and youthful when you’re lack of sleep. If you’ve ever woken up with dark circles under your eyes, you already know what research has shown, that a lack of sleep can contribute to periorbital hyperpigmentation, a.k.a. “raccoon eyes.” And a 2010 study from researchers in Sweden showed that a group of participants were rated as more attractive after eight hours of shut-eye compared to when they were sleep deprived. #2 They Protect Their Skin From UV Sunlight is the cause of at least 80% of the signs of visible aging, such as freckling, skin thinning, wrinkles and some facial lines, and can contribute to the development of skin cancer. Protect your skin daily using “broad-spectrum” sunscreens that block both UVB and UVA light, advises Roger S. Ho, M.D., of the NYU Medical Center. Reapply every two ...